Plantitude is an environmental company dedicated to creating and maintaining sustainable environments. The company's focus is on offering various services that promote the importance of landscapes - both modified and wild, conservation, reforestation, and sustainable forestry.

The team at Plantitude is made up of professionals with vast experience in environmental conservation, forestry, and horticulture. The company's management is committed to promoting sustainable solutions and working towards achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Plantitude's mission is to provide environmentally conscious solutions to people and organizations that share the same values and beliefs. Plantitude is an environmentally conscious company committed to creating sustainable environments.

Through its various services, the company seeks to promote responsible use of natural resources, reforestation, and conservation. The company's dedication to ecofriendly practices and its vision of creating a sustainable future for generations to come make it a unique and valuable player in the environmental conservation space.

Priority Areas


Plantitude's online nursery ensures that customers have access to high-quality plants that are sustainably sourced. The seedlings are for created ornamental gardens to supply for landscape based approaches in ecosystems to be restored or protected.

Reforestation + Plantations

This involves restoring or creating forests in areas where they have been depleted or destroyed. Reforestation is crucial for combating deforestation, mitigating climate change, preserving biodiversity, and providing various ecological, economic, and social benefits.


Plantitude seeks projects that safeguard biodiversity, ecosystems and habitats. We support land-use planning that balances development with the conservation of natural resources

Climate change

Forests are vital for climate change mitigation as they sequester carbon dioxide through photosynthesis, reduce emissions from deforestation, and enhance overall climate resilience. This thematic area is considered within wholistic sustainable practices

Social forestry

Our goal is to carry out activities focused on reforestation for the benefit of local communities in urban and rural areas. We are committed to promoting the idea that sustainable forestry can provide social and economic benefits for local communities. We have been involved in community-driven reforestation projects that involve planting trees.

Capacity building

We offer capacity building services with extensive experience in climate change mitigation, forestry and agroforestry. This involves training in local, regional and international forums with technical exposure visits. We also engage the government and private sector stakeholders in these fields.


These plantations are managed to promote sustainable forestry, allowing the harvest of timber and fruit production while minimizing the impact on the environment. The commercial plantations are managed with care, using ecofriendly and sustainable methods that support the local ecosystem.